Issabela Softball Nursery Sign
Issabela Softball Nursery Sign
Regular price
$210.00 USD
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$210.00 USD
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Introduce your little one to their favorite sport with this trendy Softball Nursery Sign! Put their name in the spotlight with customizable first and middle name colors. It's sure to be a home run in your kiddo's bedroom. š„
- This sign has over4 hours of cutting, sanding, shaping, painting, and assembling. There is a lot of love put into this sign for you and your little one.
Each item is handmade and completely customizable.
- All purchases will receive a proof sent to their email to select font and approve of final designs.
-Accent pieces and name are 1/4ā and 1/8ā painted MDF or acrylic
- Rounds are stained with premium wood stain/painted, and sealed with matte sealant.
- All letters are cut with a laser, sanded, and spray painted.
- Each letter and design piece is glued to the wood round securely.
- Your finished sign will include a D-hooks (not attached)
- Currently I strive for a 4-6 week turn around.
**Please note, due to the nature of wood, the tone and grain pattern may vary from item to item. No two pieces are the same. I have tried to take pictures to display the color as accurate as possible, however, color swatches online may appear different when in person.**
While waiting, check out my instagram page at
- This sign has over4 hours of cutting, sanding, shaping, painting, and assembling. There is a lot of love put into this sign for you and your little one.
Each item is handmade and completely customizable.
- All purchases will receive a proof sent to their email to select font and approve of final designs.
-Accent pieces and name are 1/4ā and 1/8ā painted MDF or acrylic
- Rounds are stained with premium wood stain/painted, and sealed with matte sealant.
- All letters are cut with a laser, sanded, and spray painted.
- Each letter and design piece is glued to the wood round securely.
- Your finished sign will include a D-hooks (not attached)
- Currently I strive for a 4-6 week turn around.
**Please note, due to the nature of wood, the tone and grain pattern may vary from item to item. No two pieces are the same. I have tried to take pictures to display the color as accurate as possible, however, color swatches online may appear different when in person.**
While waiting, check out my instagram page at
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Free Shipping
The price of each item is included in the price.
On custom 3D wood signs, expect 4-6 weeks turn around time. On all other items expect 1 week.
Why Pick The Wild Blooms & CO
With WBC, you will experience the love and care put into each unique piece of our custom, handmade, 3D wood art. From laser cutting to painting, every detail matters.
Every piece is picked up over 9+ times from start to finish. From being cut by a laser, shaped, sanded multiple times, primed, sanded again, painted, and then glued, your piece is guaranteed to be made with absolute love and care.